Parent Teacher Organization (FRISB)
Matching Programs
FRISB is an IRS approved 501(C)3 non-profit organization. Many employers will match their employee’s donations to qualifying non-profit organizations including FRISB. Our Federal Tax ID is 87-0772923.
Here are some Matching Programs that have been identified:
Intel - Intel requires a minimum donation of $25. Intel uses an online process. Please complete the request online and enter in Friends of ISB (FRISB) with Recipient ID 0014906
Nike – Please ensure that all of the donations you make for a match are done through WE Giving.
Kaiser Permanente – A minimum donation of $25 is required. Please complete the Kaiser Permanente Matching Program.
Deed - Please complete the Deed Matching Program via your company site.
Other Matching Programs
Please let FRISB know of other Matching Programs and we will be sure to include this information on our website.
Where to Mail Your Form
Please forward your Matching Forms to the school’s office or mail to FRISB and we will take care of the rest. Thank you in advance for your support:
17770 SW Blanton Street
Beaverton, OR 97078
Please direct your questions to the current FRISB Treasurer. Thank you.
2024-25 FRISB Board of Directors
President – Dominique DeSpain
VP Fundraising - VACANT
VP Community Building – Baya Batomunkueva
Secretary – Maria Calderon
Co-Volunteer Coordinator – Shiva Doreswamy
Co-Volunteer Coordinator – VACANT
Treasurer – Xiaosheng Wang
Special Appointed Director - Alison Anderson
Member at Large – Nabil Badereddine
Social Media Coordinator - Niloofar Jafari
FRISB (PTO) General Email (please specify in Subject line who you are trying to reach, e.g. President, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator)
2024-2025 FRISB Board Meeting Dates and Times
All meetings will be held on Thursdays. In-Person Meetings will be held in the ISB cafeteria.
September 12th, 6 - 7:30 PM - in person
October 3rd, 6 - 7 PM - Zoom
November 7th, 6 - 7:30 PM - in person
December 5th, 6 - 7 PM - Zoom
January 16th, 6 - 7:00 PM - Zoom
February 13th, 6 - 7:30 PM - in person
March 6th, 6 - 7:30PM - in person
April 3rd, 6 - 7 PM - Zoom
May 1st, 6 - 7:30PM - in person
FRISB Meeting Minutes
- 09-12-2024 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
- 08-22-2024 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
- 05-16-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
- 04-03-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
- 03-06-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
- 02-15-2024 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
- 01-10-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
- 12-06-2023 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
- 11-02-2023 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
- 10-04-2023 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
- 08-23-2023 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
- 08-16-2023 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
09-12-2024 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
ISB Principal – Andrew Gilford
Welcome and Call of Order
Review and approve minutes from the last meeting (August 22nd)
Minutes of the August 22nd meeting were approved.
Motion to buy a money box for FRISB.
Motion raised and approved by all members present.
Back to School Night
Acknowledging the hard work of Baya taking care of the logistics for Back to School Night.
General about the day:
There was quite a bit of pizza left over and next year we might have to order less (20 Costco pizzas cut into 16 pieces).
The rest of the leftover snacks were delivered to the school to be distributed by the Wellness Center.
The teacher's “supplies wish” apple tree was a great idea; can we consider another round at International night during Culture Week?
Dominique DeSpain needs to write a thank you note to Student Counsel students for their support and work during Back to School Night.
Feedback re: Back to School Night from the community:
It would be better to hold it on Friday.
Long commutes in between classes for students, especially for students that have to walk to and from the portables.
It’s good to have it so early in the year as it lets families meet the teachers and experience what will be the rest of the year.
Enjoy having the department tables and have the opportunity to talk to teachers and see the curriculum of each subject.
Vote to release funds for Courtyard $5,000.
Motion raised and approved.
Vote to release funds for MS Socials $1,000
Tracy Muilenburg has requested the MS Socials funds to be released in the full budget amount at the beginning of the year so she can plan and purchase the supplies as needed. She will be updating the Board with what she purchases throughout the year. She might request additional funds in the form of a grant for the 8th Grade Dance. The blow-up obstacle course for the MS Socials is quite expensive but really enjoyed by the students.
Motion raised and approved by all the members present.
ParentSquare Communication plan to coordinate FRISB fundraising, Volunteer requests, and Grad Night posts
FRISB requests a meeting with Admin to plan how and when communication will be carried out in Parent Square since it is the tool that will be used even to request volunteers, FRIBS information, Grad night, etc…
It is important to be aware of avoiding excess information, especially if we add the Grad Night (event only for seniors) fundraising events.
Parents will need to understand more about how Parent Square works, and the district is working on sending communications about it.
The FRISB volunteer email has been reset and is ready. FRISB will start to use it.
As a Reminder please “Reply to All” when voting through email, as is required by FRISB Bylaws.
Fall fundraising event started on September 10th and will last until October 31st.
The fall fundraiser is the only main fundraiser done by FRISB. Although donations are welcome all year long especially at Giving Tuesday in November, it is known that many companies match the donations with an extra percentage.
Benevity takes some time to transfer the money to the FRISB account, creating a big time gap before the money is available to access.
Venmo QR code will be fixed for upcoming flyers. We are looking into solving the tech issue as it is not working while it's used in a smartphone. Although it works through the website.
Cash and checks are the best option as they don’t incur any additional fees. But we know how important it is to provide the community with different ways to make payments.
Sandy Chung will be helping FRISB with the follow up with the fundraising communication and will be helping send the Tax donation recipes.
Back to School Night raised $425, expense $478 the line 5305 on budget for $1,000.
The idea of having a picnic at Back to School night is to give the opportunity to the community to get together, meet each other, and to get familiar with the school.
So far we have spent $1,459.00 of the $41,800 expenditure on the Budget.
Revenue on Budget is: $33,000 from fall fundraising plus $10,000 corporate matching; $1,000 for Corporate Donations and miscellaneous income of $2,000. Grand total Revenue of Budget is $46,500.
The bank accounts look very healthy, with a Balance of $27,443.61 in the checking account, $2,297 in the Grad Night Checking account and $10,016 in the Savings account.
We will start to see more movement as the amount from donations will be deposited on the account and we start providing the funds to the school.
Grad Night Committee Is a group of senior’s parents organizing the grad night that is held the same day of the senior’s graduation ceremony, and it’s about a celebration that takes place in a secret place (secret for the students). There will be someone from the Grad Night Community joining us and giving updates.
Dominique DeSpain and Jason Robey (part of FRISB community) alongside Andrew Gilford (ISB principal) have built the benches that will serve to create the classroom space seating and give more utility to the courtyard. In addition to the benches, there will be planters all around.
On September 24th, the 9th graders will have their retreat, that is one day of community building and fun games.
ISB now has a new Cardio room, cardio and weight room: before they were located in separate spaces, making it difficult for PE classes held together.
ISB has less space than it needs, and many teachers share space while in their prep time. So that is why ISB is always looking for ways to improve space for teachers and students. A and B halls now have new flooring.
ISB admin encourages parents to speak to teachers, especially in high school as it has a sophisticated grading system that covers many criteria. The difference you might see this year is that Grading books are open from the beginning, whereas before it was only open just before grading days. Parent view is the best way of looking at grades and daily assignments grading.
Canvas will have the day to day information for each class, and it’s recommended that parents use their students’ Canvas portal because it has more information than the Parents’ portal.
Cell phone policy is going really well. There is consensus that this is working at the district level. It is worth noting that at ISB the excessive use of phones has not been an issue. Even so, a change is noticeable.
One of the recurring concerns is how dangerous the intersections of ISB at SW Blanton Street are, as they have very poor signage. Traffic does not respect the speed limit (including ISB parents), and it is really dangerous for students trying to cross the street, particularly at SW 178th avenue.
Budget in the Website.
08-22-2024 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
Selecting a monthly meeting day and time:
Start as soon as September 5th using Back to School Night to launch the fundraising.
05-16-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
Board Member Updates
Co-Volunteer Coordinator:
Very busy as we needed volunteers for IB testing, this year the volunteer’s response was better than last year. It has been hard to recruit volunteers for the past few years.
Community Building:
Community Event – Welcoming Families 2024-2025: Next event will be at East Harbor Restaurant 18855 SW Tualatin Valley HWY, Aloha OR 97003. Reservation is set for 5:30.
Motion to use founds of approx. $250 to pay for appetizers and soft drinks has been approved.
Teacher appreciation went well, staff was very appreciative with the expressions of gratitude from the community.
Financial Statements were presented. The board discussed the possibility of opening a “passing through” account for certain items such as the International Night clubs' support and Grad Night. It will need to be reviewed with the accountant that FRISB will hire next school year.
The Budget 2024/2025 was discussed and changes were requested. In the following days, the treasurer will make the changes and send the final budget via email to be approved. Then it will be posted on the website and displayed on FRISB’s bulletin board at ISB.
The FRISB Board appreciates all the work done by Alex Yau, organizing the FRISB accounts and getting everything ready for the future treasurer.
Election of Board Positions
Motion to dissolve Board Members Committee 2023-2024 has been approved.
The outgoing president opens the motion for electing the board members for the next year 2024-2025, nominations were called and new members were elected unanimously.
As per By-Laws: “All elected Board Members shall serve for a term of 1 year, but are eligible for re-election for up to 5 years consecutive years …. No elected officer shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same office”. The elected officers are: President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.
Special appointed director (“At the discretion of the Board of Directors, one individual may be appointed to a voting seat on the Board for a 1-year term).
1st Volunteer coordinator: Shiva Doreswamy (last term as board member)
2nd Volunteer coordinator: Vacant Position
Member-at-Large: Nabil Badereddine (2nd term – 2nd year as board member)
Social Media Coordinator: Niloofar Jafari (new coordinator position proposed to help with FRISB media accounts and communication)
Once again, we appreciate all the work done by the members of the outgoing Board. Thanks for your time and dedication.
ISB Principal Updates
Volunteer appreciation will be on May 28th.from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Opportunity for mini focus group unfortunately must be during school day.
Other Items:
Grad Night update by Alexandra Yau
More than $19,000 fundraised, thanks to the generous donations of families, around $3,000 will be left for the next Grad Night committee.
84 students will be attending.
No Grad Night Committee formed yet for next year. Everything is organized and will be an easy transition for next Grad Night (class of 2025).
Courtyard update by Dominique DeSpain
Paula, in charge of the design proposal, and the district project manager visited the site. Paula showed some proposals and refocused some of the design adding more space to gather, better accessibility, and simplifying the design.
May 22, 2024
The motion to nominate Baya Batomunkueva as 2nd Vice-President (Community Building) was voted and approved via email.
The FRISB Board for 2024-2025:
04-03-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
Board Members Updates
Co-Volunteer Coordinator:
The possibility of sending thank you cards to this year's volunteers was discussed. Buy pre-printed cards and have them filled out by the students themselves, requesting help from Student Council. For this you will have to coordinate with ISB and have the list of volunteers, preferably after the IB exams.
Financial Statement was presented.
FRISB funds for the Courtyard Project will not be released until it has the approval from the district.
The outgoing Treasurer will start working with the next Board President and Treasurer to ensure a smooth transition.
Grad Night Update:
Grad Night has already raised $17,000+. There will be 2 more fundraising events. The Grad Night Committee is planning to host a Senior – all Staff get together as they will have enough funds.
This year’s Grad Night Committee is hoping to leave a residual as Pay It Forward for the Class of 2025.
ISB Principal Updates
IB testing is around the corner, will be starting the first week of May until mid-May.
Seniors can decorate their Cap.
There will be a breakfast after the Awards ceremony.
6th graders will be attending Outdoor School from April 16th - 19th
9th graders will be attending an all day retreat to explore IB.
10th graders are finishing their personal projects.
03-06-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
Board Member Updates
ISB Principal Updates
ISB will be sending a message to parents and students to be aware of traffic conditions on Blanton Street and to remind them about traffic flow at school.
For the future, FRISB will need to discuss sending a letter to the County and the district about all the traffic concerns and the lack of proper School signage.
Next Board Meetings:
April 3rd, 2024 Via Zoom 6:00 – 6:45
May 29th, 2024 General Meeting 5:30 – 7:00 (New Board Members voting)
02-15-2024 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
Treasurer – Alexandra Yau
Please refer to the emails Alex sent February 9 and 10, 2024.
Close the Grad Night savings account and transfer the $2,006 to Grad Night checking account, no more seed money. MOTION APPROVED
In FRISB budget, next year, add an expense line for “Seniors Grad Night celebration” with a fixed budget to “give” them at the beginning of the year. This allows us to be completely transparent with the ISB parents regarding where their money goes and for FRISB to participate in the celebration of the ISB seniors as a community. Amount to be decided. MOTION APPROVED
Starting next “FRISB Fall fundraising,” have parents donate to FRISB and/or Grad Night from the start. FURTHER DISCUSSION WILL BE NEEDED
If for X reasons GN needs more money (cover for kids who cannot pay for their ticket for example), like proposed, they can apply for a FRISB grant. MOTION APPROVED
Next year, add a line for International Night to the budget in both income and expense to allow the use of VENMO and PayPal via FRISB. MOTION APPROVED
Ask for support documentation for when the money has been given to school and how money is expended. Alex will follow up and will consult with experts, she will update in the next meeting March 6 in person.
FRISB accounts need to be audited either by an audit committee organized by FRISB or by an accountant.
ISB Principal Updates:
8th graders field trip. Feb. 28-29 Rory has asked for volunteers. The field trip will be at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center of Holocaust Education as part of their Language Arts Unit – The Diary of Anne Frank.
April 6 cleanup of the courtyard, will be part of Community Service for school. Final projects will be analyzed after cleaning
Next School year there will be the offering of a new course Digital Film Making and ISB will be asking for seed equipment. This new Elective course falls under Fine Arts for 9th and 10th graders, it is already in the forecasting sheets.
Board Member Updates:
Co-Volunteer Coordinator: Please refer to Andrea’s email sent 2/14 with subject Staff Development Day for Tuesday, Feb. 20th. To summarize the thread discussion:
As this Staff Development Day is on a Tuesday after a holiday it will be easier to serve Lunch.
Proposal of a light lunch offer. Andrea and Maria will take care of organizing the lunch.
Secretary: New form to create data base of parents willing to be part of FRISB, send form via Parent Square (including upcoming parents)? Invitation to FRISB social (March or May)? Include the form in the ISB newsletter? MOVED TO NEXT MEETING MARCH 6 IN PERSON
Co-VP, Community Building: Please refer to Bing’s email sent February 12th: MOVED TO NEXT MEETING MARCH 6 IN PERSON
“It is time to discuss the April Parent Social. Last year, we had more than 20 attendees, most of whom were parents of incoming students. I am not sure if we can host it in the school cafeteria, as new families might be interested in touring the school. The school can put up a slideshow. FRISB can provide coffee, tea, appetizers, snacks, etc. But if everyone agrees that it would be better to follow tradition and hold it in a restaurant, please let me know what has been agreed upon, and I will make the arrangements. Would it be better to set Parent Social time Friday or Monday, instead of middle of the week?”
Courtyard update, ISB is planning a Community Service Day to start cleaning the courtyard. Once the cleaning is done Dominque DeSpain will help coordinate the remodeling of the courtyard.
Planning for the next Staff Development Day in April, Volunteer Appreciation Day, and Staff Appreciation Week. MOVED TO NEXT MEETING
Next Board Meeting: March 6, 2024 in person at ISB
01-10-2024 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
ISB Principal – Andrew Gilford
FRISB Board of Directors:
Board Member Updates
President / Fundraising: Nothing to report.
Volunteer Coordinators: For International Night there will be more volunteer opportunities that will be added. Request for items to cover Breakfast for staff for January 16th was uploaded in Sign Up Genius. This event might be canceled depending on the weather.
Community Building: Bing said that she will be able to use her community Network to organize part of the staff appreciation week lunches.
ISB Principal Updates
Cultural Week is here, students will be actively participating as many will be running workshops, will participate in the Fashion Show and helping on International Night. Students will be having a different school experience that week. There will be a presentation of a Salsa group and other performers. The expenditure for Culture Week has exceeded what was budgeted. Principal Gilford asked if any additional funds could be provided for Culture Week, if there are any unused funds in the FRISB budget.
The final list for students accepted for the school year 2024-2025 (via Lottery) is expected January 26. For sixth grade, around 350 applications were received for an estimated 155 students.
For ninth grade, there is projected 120 students. Many of the spots that will be available to new applicants will depend on how many students who already attend ISB in 8th grade decide to stay.
On International Night, attendees can buy tickets to access the different stands and food. For which ISB requests FRISB if there is a way for FRISB to be the charging through PayPal or Venmo, even if FRISB can accept cards. This request is made since ISB has no way to use any of these methods and many times attendees forget to bring cash.
ISB is planning 6th grade Outdoor School and is asking for help to finance busing for Outdoor School as the District might not be able to provide transportation, especially for the return. In case of needed the amount and when will be confirmed soon.
Treasurer – Alexandra Yau
Discussion on how to distribute donations made last November on Benevity between FRISB and Grad Night. Alex determined from which grade donations were made to help divide the funding. The problem is that parents do not specify in the “comment” section for which program they are giving. The board discussed the possibility of GN asking for a Grant closer to the end of their fundraising period in case they did not meet their budget goal or need. Also, adding a GN line to the FRISB budget was mentioned. The voting on how FRIBS will be supporting GN and how funds will be allocated in the future will be done at the next FRIBS meeting. The board agreed to keep it simple.
ISB principal asked for extra funds for Culture Week, after a discussion of whether we can afford to spare $3000 additional funds for Culture Week, acting President made the motion to provide an additional $1,500 only, and the board approved to move funds from budget line 5501 to budget line 5502 (Culture Week).
Alex will investigate if FRISB can open a PayPal Zettle account and a Venmo account to help ISB collect money for International Night ticket sale and future events as it seems that students and many parents do not always have cash and need to use debit cards or other electronic paying methods (Venmo). This will also help FRISB with future fundraising.
Grad Night will be fundraising on International Night.
ISB is preparing a community involvement weekend to work on the Courtyard, this will involve all the school grades and will be an opportunity for students to volunteer. There is not yet a date for this event. FRISB is waiting for the project as there are $5,000 ready to be used for the Courtyard makeover.
FRISB participation on International Night (February 2nd). The idea will be to have a table close to Grad Night and where the tickets for International Night are being sold to help with the PayPal Zettle and the Venmo payments. FRISB plans to have a sign-up Google Doc, asking parents to join the volunteers and consider joining FRISB Board next year, since we may have multiple open positions. Same sign-up form will also go into the Newsletter and other communications with the parents.
January 16, 2024, Staff Dev. Workday, Sign Up Genius was sent for Breakfast Items
It was mentioned that it would be interesting if the students could make a documentary about Culture Week.
Next FRISB Meeting Via Zoom Board only February 14th @ 6:00
12-06-2023 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
Date: December 6th, 2023
Location: Wildwood Taphouse – Cedar Mill
12545 NW Cornell Rd. Suite 101, Portland, Or 97229
Time Board Meeting: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
FRISB Happy Hour: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
ISB Principal – Andrew Gilford
FRISB Board of directors:
President – Barbara Simon-Evrenosoglu
Co-VP, Fundraising – Aysegul Jezewski
Co-VP, Community Building – Bing Theobald
Co-Volunteer Coordinator – Shiva Doreswamy
Co-Volunteer Coordinator – Andrea Martinelli
Member at Large – Nabil Badereddine (Absent)
Secretary – Maria Calderon
Treasurer – Alexandra Yau
Board Members updates:
Co-VP, Fundraising: Final amount raised $41,500
Please refer to the email sent by Alex Yau on December 1, 2023.
Aplos Software refunded $964 that is categorized as miscellaneous income.
Family donation of $2,000 for IB diploma fee scholarships, will be included as a line in next year's budget. So far, there is no need for this year.
Giving Tuesday donations through PayPal were for Grad Night.
A few donations from Benevity – Giving Tuesday will not be available until January.
Volunteer Coordinator: Next mayor event is Culture Week International Night. Working with school staff and scheduling volunteers for International Night.
Co-VP, Community Building: Working with honor society for Culture Week. Will oversee the soup bar that FRISB is organizing for school staff lunch on Friday December 8th.
Latest Grant requests:
The Board has approved the Grant requests for a total of $9,550.
The board approved the increase in the budget to cover the disbursement of the last group of grants. It should be noted that there is a surplus of funds of $20,000. Therefore, the additional approved value will not affect the final balance.
School Directory
The school will be sending the school directory before winter break.
Thanks to the work of community members as well as the environmental club the first steps towards cleaning and redesigning the courtyard are taking place. In the upcoming weeks there is going to be a tour of the courtyard to analyze what will be the best options to improve the space.
Principal update
Very busy time for Seniors, Juniors starting to get busy as well.
ISB National Honor Society is conducting a Food Drive that will be running until December 15.
A senior student, as part of the CAS project, is partnering with 8th grade English classes in gathering donations for Portland Books to Prisoners. The 8th graders are reading Just Mercy, a book about a lawyer working with prisoners. After they finish reading the book, they will have the opportunity to hear from a lawyer that has worked with the Supreme Court.
FRISB participation in International Night on February 2nd (having a table?)
Next important dates
January 10, 2024 FRISB General Meeting in person at ISB 5:30 – 7:00 pm
January 16, 2024 Staff Dev. Workday
January 29th, 2024 First day of Culture Week
11-02-2023 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
ISB Principal – Andrew Gilford
President update: Secure meeting place for December 6.
Co-VP, Fundraising update
We were able to complete goal (+40,000).
What really helped the Fundraiser was to have the staff tell how much they appreciate the help received via FRISB. Asking for pictures and information of how the grants have been used and how the money has been expended (static bicycles, iPad), etc. For next year’s fundraising.
Prepare a blurb to be added in the newsletter with the update that we did it!
A student will be selected, and their class will be receiving a surprise goodie.
Treasurer update
FRISB reimbursed the President for Zoom annual subscription of $149.90 but will cancel it next year and use TechSoup to subscribe Zoom for only $18 per year.
We can access the donor’s information for the “Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign” platform and the $336 donations deposited in September and October were designated “2022-2023 senior year celebration stuff” .The amount was transferred to GN checking account.
Still waiting for Aplos Software to refund us $964 (they have until end of November to refund us).
I signed up with Deed as a new donation platform.
FRISB has received a $2,000 donation from a wonderful family part of the ISB community, the amount must be used to specifically fund students in financial need to pay for IB Diploma examination fees. The Treasurer asks for a motion for approval of adding a new line in the current Budget: “IB Examination Fees” that will allocate the money and use when the need presents. The motion was approved by the board.
Benevity gives you the possibility of determining what is donated from the Community and what is donated from the company, this year budget will reflect this, that is why the Fundraising Campaign (4001) will be higher than the amount budgeted, and the Fall Fundraising Campaign Corporate Match (4002) will be lower.
FRISB will not be able to maintain the Bank account under 50,000, in consequence an additional form must be filled out.
Volunteer Coordinator update
International night, Rory will work with more specific rolls and share to volunteer.
Lunch provided for staff for December 8th as it is a Development Day for Staff: Sign up Genius Soup, bread, drinks. Approx. 50 staff members.
Principal update
Lots of joy in the Halloween celebration.
Latinx club sold Mexican treats for Dia de los Muertos (Nov. 1st).
Seniors are finishing their assessment, college app, busy time for them. Teachers understand this and are flexible with time and accommodating assignments for students.
All the open houses for middle school were packed. ISB presented a Panel of students that spoke honestly about the good and bad of ISB. ISB is participating in the Option School & Program Fairs organized by the district. The first one was held on October 25th at Meadow Park Middle school next will be at Conestoga Middle School on November 6.
This year ISB has around 870 enrolled students, the number is already high. High School is getting bigger as more students are staying. There might be a need to balance students by grade.
Calendar Review 2023-2024 and Scheduled Events for 2023-2024
Community meeting 12/6:
Save the date! Space has been secured (Taphouse at Cornell and Saltzman Rd.) The idea is to start with FRISB general meeting followed by a Social Gathering where we can ask questions and help other parents.
FRISB Plan for International Night
FRISB will not need to fundraise, FRISB's presence will be more informative, having a table if necessary. For FRISB the priority in this event is community building and having contact with families.
This event will be an opportunity for Grad Night fundraising.
If food sales are proposed, vendors will need to have District approval, as the district is pushing for proof on Insurance and be part of the approved vendors list.
ISB is looking to work with a Muralist during the Cultural Week, the idea is painting the back wall of the outdoor area. FRISB can help with extra funds if necessary.
Updates about Gardening project?
No updates yet. Environment club meets Monday and Andrew will join one of the meetings (Environmental Club will need to send an email to the principal letting him know when the Club will be meeting so he can visit and talk about it with the club members).
Giving Tuesday
FRISB is not advertising it as a day for Fundraising.
Grad Night can use this as an opportunity to Fundraise, PayPal can be divided into what is FRISB and what is Grad Night.
School Directory
In the last ISB newsletter, families were asked to fill out a form if they did not want to be included in the Directory. JoAnne Lewis, ISB Registrar, will send the Directory as EXCEL document as it is easy for FRISB to format and then send it to the community as PDF.
FRISB Facebook, has not been updated since 2022. Will be interesting if a member of the community would like to oversee FRISB communications (Social Media and updates).
ISB Clubs
FRISB can help clubs in case of needing funds for specific purposes. Let teachers in charge of clubs know that they can apply for grants.
The Grant application will be open again.
Next meeting
- November 29th at Mountainside HS (4:00 - 5:00)
- February 28th at AHS (5:30 - 6:30)
- May 22nd at TBD (5:30 – 6:30)
10-04-2023 FRISB General Meeting Minutes
ISB Principal – Andrew Gilford
In addition to the board of directors and the ISB Principal, we had the presence of Mrs. Weidert, chemistry teacher, representing the Science department, and a group of parents who wanted to get more involved with the school.
President Update
Main purpose is to recruit volunteers.
We will need to obtain quotes for upgrading the courtyard, as FRISB has a grant. The idea is to have a low maintenance courtyard for the ISB students to enjoy. Community Member Dominique DeSpain is interested in helping the possible Student Club that will oversee the project.
Co-VP, Fundraising Update
Great response from the community. Exceeds what was raised last year in the same weeks, notable variation from week to week. So far 50%+ raised (around $22,000).
All methods are being used for collection. We might reach our goal at the end of October. It is important to notice that this is the only fundraising event of the year. Taxes emails are being sent.
Treasurer Update
Change in the accounting system. Treasurer was able to change Pay Pal user.
FRISB should not exceed $50,000 in the bank account.
Review of the budget. FRISB overview the Grad Night budget, but fundraising is independent.
Planning to create “Rules of engagement for Grad Night”, this year's proposed budget is $12,000 (fundraising efforts will start November).
Principal Update
Grants request:
Science teachers are grateful for the support that FRISB provides every year, since the department always uses th $1,000 available as funds, especially for labs items that cannot be reused.
PE requests, approx. $3,000: 9 square game implements, stationary bikes, playground equipment and balls, health education videos.
Design curriculum for all 8th Grade classes. Approx. $1900. The teacher provided a list of the wanted items.
Wellness Center $500 will be used to supply snacks and other items for the center.
The library is asking for 2 IPADs to replace the existing ones that are no longer tech supported. The IPADs are used to help students look up library books, as many students do not carry around their Chromebook. The district will not provide IPADs for that use. The IPADs will be maintained by BSD and the district will provide the necessary updates. Approx. $1,000.
All the board members were in favor of moving forward with the grants requested above. Our FRISB treasurer, Alexandra Yau will review the information first then will proceed to issue the check.
There was a discussion of how important Check and Balance is for all the money that was raised and how it was spent. We asked Andrew for the pictures of the items requested through the last year grants.
Volunteer Coordinator Update
Good reply for Middle school harvest on Thursday 26th from 2 to 4.
HS Fall dance will be on November 9th.
New ISB parents should ask for the change of school as many are still attached to their last year's school volunteer page.
Next big event for volunteering will be Culture Week, soon the letters asking for volunteering and help will be sent, the need for volunteers will be a joint effort between ISB and parents.
Murals painted for Cultural Week with the involvement of the art department.
There was talk about the need to have Spirit wear as many families have been asking for it. The district has a list of providers, Dominque DeSpain will contact Oak Hills to see which one they use.
Calendar Review 2023-2024 and Scheduled Events for 2023-2024:
FRISB will provide Breakfast or Lunch for Teacher development day coming up.
October 13, the decision is to better be catered as it is a non-school day and families would not plan to attend school or deliver breakfast items early in the morning (7:00). Not Yet decided if it is Lunch or Breakfast. Per Andrew, he is expecting 45 participants as its only for certified teachers.
October 27th, no need to provide Breakfast or Lunch because it is a grading day, and many teachers decide to work remotely.
December 8th, Staff development day. We will need to decide whether to do a catered breakfast or lunch or if you prefer to use SignUpGenius, determine how many people. There is no school for students.
There is always the possibility of using SingUpGenius for future events that are within the normal school days.
Extra funds spending ideas:
THPRD removed the soccer goals since they were damaged and have no intention of replacing them. The possibility of being able to pay for new arches using FRISB funds was discussed if the cost is acceptable.
See how to supply things for students to use at recess (4-corner balls, soccer balls, etc.)
The possibility of offering financial aid to students who need to cover the cost of IB exams and who do not fall into the category of financial aid offered by the district (free and reduced lunch) was discussed. We will wait to have a better idea of how many students there will be and how much the grant would be.
Parking Lot issues
Alexandra Yau asked to talk about the recklessness of several people who do not follow the directional flow of the school parking lot, which could cause a serious accident. She requested that both students, teachers, and parents be reminded that it is essential to respect the arrow directions in the parking lot.
Can FRISB open a square account? Shiva will be looking into the possibility as he has work with another nonprofit that uses PayPal Module.
Items left for NEXT meeting:
- Next Scheduled Events review calendar for following months
- Attending Superintended Coffee with Community (Parents and Students):
- November 29th at Mountainside HS (4:00 - 5:00)
- February 28th at AHS (5:30 - 6:30)
- May 22nd at TBD (5:30 – 6:30)
08-23-2023 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
1. Planning for Community Picnic and Back to School night, September 7, 2023 from 5:00 to 8:30
08-16-2023 FRISB Board Meeting Minutes
Date: August 16, 2023
Location: ISB In Person
· General board information:
· Review Budget 2023-2024
· Fundraiser 2022, 2023
· Calendar Review 2023-2024
o Combine calendar BSD and ISB, Document with the summery of events was created and shared with the board. The calendar can be found in the ISB website:
§ Calendar - International School of Beaverton
· Schedule Events 2023-2024
FRISB Budget
Approved FRISB Budget 2024-2025
FRISB 2024-2025 Budget | ||
Line Item # | Income Category | Amount |
4001 | Fall Fundraising Campaign | 33000 |
4002 | Fall Fundraising Campaign Corporate Matching | 10000 |
4007 | Corporate Donations | 1000 |
4009 | Miscellaneous Income | 2000 |
4004 | Special Projects | 0 |
4010 | International Night | 0 |
4100 | Grad Night Income | 0 |
Total | 46000 | |
Line Item # | Expense Category | Amount |
5404 | 7th Grade Publishing | $400 |
5001 | Administration | $2,200 |
5318 | After School Clubs | $400 |
5303 | Back to School Picnic | $1,000 |
5002 | Board Discretionary | $2,000 |
5101 | Campaign Marketing | $500 |
5502 | Cultural Week | $5,000 |
5302 | Field Day | $400 |
5401 | FRISB Grants/RFF | $13,500 |
6010 | Grad Night Committee Expenses | $0 |
5320 | Grad Night Seniors Celebration | $0 |
5319 | High School Dances | $3,000 |
5501 | Honorariums Intercultural Programs | $1,000 |
5505 | IB Diploma Fees | $2,000 |
5504 | International Night | $0 |
5503 | International Visitor Hospitality & Gifts | $600 |
5305 | Middle and High School Retreats | $8,100 |
5316 | Middle School Author Event | $900 |
5306 | Middle School Socials | $1,000 |
5004 | Miscellaneous Expense | $500 |
5309 | MYP/DP Student Support | $1,250 |
5310 | Parent Outreach | $500 |
5321 | Playground Equipment | $200 |
5402 | Science Department | $1,000 |
5405 | Science Fair | $200 |
5005 | Special Projects | $5,000 |
5204 | Staff Appreciation | $8,000 |
5403 | Student Planners | $3,350 |
5201 | Volunteer Appreciation | $500 |
5322 | Wellness Center Snacks | $500 |
Total | $63,000 |
Procedures and Forms
- FRISB Bylaws
- FRISB Articles of Incorporation
- Check Request & Exp. Reimbursement Procedures
- FRISB Check Request Form
FRISB Bylaws
Article I. Name/Purpose
Section 1 – Name: The name of this nonprofit Corporation shall be the Friends of the International School of Beaverton (FRISB or Friends of ISB).
Section 2 – Purpose: The Friends of the International School of Beaverton is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and education purposes as stated in the Articles of Incorporation.
Article II. Mission
To inspire, inform and support an internationally centered education at the International School of Beaverton in the Beaverton School District. This mission may be expressed, and is not limited to:
a) Fundraising and resource development to support the ISB, its projects and programs, and the projects and programs of its students;
b) Enhancing of the school’s basic curriculum through volunteerism in the school and student enrichment programs in cooperation with the school’s administration and staff;
c) Modeling the positive skills and behaviors that contribute to a balance of environmental, social, and economic responsibilities in the school, the community and the larger world.
Article III. Membership
Section 1 – Eligibility: Membership open to all parents, guardians, teachers, and staff associated with the ISB Program.
Section 2 – Conditions:
a) Membership begins upon the acceptance of a parent or guardian’s student into the school or through the acceptance of an offer to teach or to assume a staff position.
b) Membership eligibility may be verified against student and employment rosters maintained by the school.
c) Membership is terminated upon a student’s graduation, transfer or withdrawal, or the transfer, retirement or resignation of a teacher or staff member.
Section 3 – Fees: There are no fees or dues as a requirement of membership. The Friends of the International School of Beaverton is open to anyone meeting the conditions as defined.
Section 4 – Voting: Each member is entitled to one vote.
Section 5 – Code of Ethics:
a) Members are committed to conducting themselves in a manner befitting the
Friends of ISB, the International School of Beaverton, and the Beaverton School District, and in accordance with any policies adopted by the Board of Directors.
b) No member may represent or speak on behalf of FRISB unless expressly permitted by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws.
Section 6 – Conflicts of Interest:
a) In the event that any Member has a conflict of interest that might properly limit such Member’s fair and impartial participation in Board deliberations or decisions, such Member shall inform the Board as to the circumstances of such conflict. If those circumstances require the nonparticipation of the affected Member, the Board may nonetheless request from the Member any appropriate non-confidential information that might inform its decisions.
b) "Conflict of interest," as referred to herein, shall include but shall not be limited to, any transaction by or with the Corporation in which a Member has a direct or indirect personal interest, or any transaction in which a Member is unable to exercise impartial judgment or otherwise act in the best interests of FRISB.
c) No Member shall cast a vote, nor take part in the final deliberation in any matter in which he or she, members of his or her immediate family or any organization to which such Member has allegiance, has a personal interest that may be seen as competing with the interest of the Corporation. Any Member who believes he or she may have such a conflict of interest shall so notify the Board prior to deliberation on the matter in question, and the Board shall make the final determination as to whether any Member has a conflict of interest in any matter.
d) The minutes of the Board meeting shall reflect disclosure of any conflict of interest and the disqualification of the interested Member’s vote.
e) Should any Member become aware of a potential or actual conflict of interest involving a fellow Member that has not been disclosed, he or she shall ask the fellow Member to disclose the conflict, and if the fellow Member does not do so, shall bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Directors.
Section 1 – Powers: There shall be a Governing Board responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Friends of ISB, which shall supervise and control the business, property, and affairs of the Corporation, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws.
Section 2 – Number and Qualifications: The Board shall be composed of no less than seven (7) and no more than nineteen (19) elected individuals drawn from the membership. In addition, there shall be no more than four (4) appointed or ex- officio seats. All Directors are required to be members of the Friends of ISB at the time of their election. All Directors must remain as members in good standing of the Corporation for the duration.
Section 3 – Composition:
a) Elected Directors (Officers): The elected Board will consist of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 1st Volunteer Coordinator, 2nd Volunteer Coordinator, and the Member-at-Large.
The Officers will have the sole responsibility for the management of the business of Friends of ISB. In the management and control of the property, business, and affairs of FRISB, the officers are vested with all the powers possessed by FRISB itself, so far as this delegation of power is not inconsistent with the Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Act, The Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws. Each officer is expected to attend all meetings of FRISB and participate in all discussions and votes. No one person may hold more than one office.
b) Ex-Officio Directors: The Principal and Vice Principal(s) of ISB shall be considered ex-officio members of the Board. The Student Council of ISB is invited to select two representatives, one from each program level (MYP and Diploma Program) to sit as ex-officio members at each meeting. Ex-officio members will have no voting rights at Board meetings but serve in an advisory capacity and have full ability to enter into the discussions.
c) Special Appointed Director: At the discretion of the Board of Directors, one (1) individual may be appointed to a voting seat on the Board for a one (1) year term.
Section 4 – Election: The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership present at the meeting of the election. The election of officers will generally occur at the regular FRISB General Meeting in May of each year. Such election will occur by secret written ballot unless, by unanimous consent of the membership, the president dispenses with written ballots for such election and does a hand count.
Section 5 – Term of Office: All elected Board Members shall serve for a term of one (1) year, but are eligible for re-election for up to five (5) consecutive years. Officers, with the exception of the Treasurer, shall assume their official duties at the close of the last membership meeting in June and shall serve for a term continuing until the regular meeting of the membership in May of the following year and the election of their successors. The Treasurer shall assume his or her duties on July 1, and shall serve until June 30 of the following year.
Section 6 - Board Vacancies:
a) Vacancies: The remaining members of the Board of Directors shall appoint new members to fill vacancies for the remainder of the term by a simple vote of the majority.
b) Resignation: Any Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board President. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified within the notice, or, if no time is specified, at the time of acceptance of the resignation is made by the President. Should the Board President resign, they shall submit their resignation to the 1st Vice President.
c) Absences: Any Director may be removed for excessive absences from Board meetings and Board work as determined by an unexcused absence from three
(3) consecutive Board meetings or work sessions.
d) Removal: Any Director may be removed from such office, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the voting members of the Corporation at any regular or special meeting of the members called expressly for that purpose. In addition, the Board of Directors may declare vacant the office of any Director who fails or ceases to meet any required qualification that was in effect at the beginning of that Director’s current term of office.
Section 1 – Responsibilities: All Directors of FRISB shall:
a) Perform the duties prescribed in the Bylaws and any additional duties which may be identified by the Board; and
b) Attend all scheduled and announced special meetings of the Board and General Membership. It is the responsibility of each member of the Board, who cannot attend, to provide prior notice to the Board of their absence.
c) Board members shall deliver to their successors all papers, files, and records pertaining to their duties and responsibilities at the final and joint meeting of the old and new Boards at the end of a school year in June.
d) Ensure that a budget is prepared according to the budgeting policies established earlier in the year and in accordance with the financial practices laid down in these Bylaws.
Section 2 – President:
a) Shall convene and preside over all meetings of the membership and Board and create and distribute the agenda for the meetings.
b) The President shall be the official representative of the Friends of ISB, and shall act on behalf of FRISB in connection with the Administration of the School.
b) The President shall coordinate with various committees appointed by the Board.
Section 3 – Vice-Presidents:
a) The 1st Vice-President shall support the work of the President and fulfill the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
b) The 1st Vice-President shall lead fundraising efforts.
c) The 1st Vice-President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
d) The 2nd Vice-President shall coordinate community building and community service projects for the general membership.
e) The 2nd Vice-President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 4 – Secretary:
a) The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of Corporate actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all general and Board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes to each Board member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board President.
b) The Secretary shall supervise and coordinate the writing and publication of any newsletters of FRISB (hard copy or electronic).
c) The Secretary shall ensure that a reference copy of these Bylaws, minutes from previous meetings of the Board, and a list of all committees, their responsibilities and committee minutes be kept on file.
d) The Secretary will ask ISB’s web master to post minutes from each meeting, the current budget and the current revision of the Bylaws to the FRISB webpage in a timely manner.
Section 5 – Treasurer:
a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for, oversee and carryout all financial transactions and duties involving the Friends of ISB, and make a report concerning the Corporation’s fiscal condition at each meeting of the Board and General Membership.
b) The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the Board of the Friends of ISB files annual reports to the IRS, the State of Oregon and other governmental bodies as required by law.
c) The Treasurer shall monitor, update and correct errors in online reports (e.g. GuideStar, corporate giving organizations) concerning the charitable activities of the corporation when necessary.
d) The Treasurer will keep copies of all financial records back to the original date of incorporation of FRISB. The Treasurer will keep a copy of the current budget on file for reference at FRISB meetings and provide it whenever a copy is requested. The Treasurer will make sure that all financial records are secured and that the current fiscal year’s budget is posted on the FRISB web page.
Section 6 – Volunteer Coordinators: Two (2) Volunteer Coordinators shall facilitate member and community involvement in the International School of Beaverton.
Their duties are to be divided and will include but not be limited to:
a) Organize and manage the volunteer identification system,
b) Organize and manage the tracking of volunteer hours of participation,
c) Help members find volunteer opportunities to support ISB,
d) Assist staff and committees in the assignment of volunteers where needed,
e) Work with the Board and its committees to ensure appropriate acknowledgments are forwarded to volunteers and donors to the Friends of ISB.
Section 7 - Member-at-Large: The duties will include but not be limited to:
a) Produce the ISB school directory (hard copy and digital copy),
b) Provide additional support to the Board as needed.
Section 1 – Committee Formation: The Board may, by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors in office, create and appoint any committees, workgroups or taskforces that facilitate the work of the Board as needed. The Board President appoints all committee chairs who shall be members of FRISB. No committee shall have the authority to amend or repeal these Bylaws, elect or remove any officer or Director, adopt a plan of merger, or authorize the voluntary dissolution of the Corporation.
Section 2 – Term of Office: Each member of a committee shall serve for a minimum of one year or until a successor is appointed, unless the committee is sooner dissolved or otherwise defined to have shorter terms.
Section 3 – Vacancies: The Board, together with the committee chair, may fill vacancies in the membership of committees.
Section 4 – Rules: Each committee and task force may adopt rules for its meetings not inconsistent with these Bylaws or with any rules adopted by the Board of Directors.
Section 1 - Types of meetings: Three types of meetings by the Membership and the Board are permitted by these Bylaws: regular, annual and special.
a) Regular meetings:
i) Regular meetings of the General Members shall be held no more than once per month, at a time and place designated by the Board.
ii) Regular meetings for the Board of the Directors shall be held monthly at such a time, day and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
iii) Any member in good standing may be present as an observer at any regular Board Meeting. At the President’s discretion, an open forum period may be added to the agenda to take comments from the broader membership.
b) Annual meetings: An Annual Meeting of the Members shall take place in the month of May, at a time and place designated by the Board. At the Annual Meeting the Members shall elect Directors.
c) Special meetings:
i) Special meetings of the General Members may be called by the Board, or by a petition signed by five percent (5%) of the General Membership.
ii) Special meetings of the Board may be called at the direction of the President or by a majority of the voting Directors then in office.
Section 2 – Rescheduling: Regular meetings of the General Members may be rescheduled as necessary, with not less than five (5) days prior notice to the announced date of the membership meeting.
Section 3 – Notice of meetings:
a) Notice of each regular meeting shall be given to each voting member electronically by school calendar, school website, and/or by school newsletter, not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
b) Notice of special meetings of the Board or General Membership shall be given at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. The purpose for which a special meeting is called shall be stated in all notices.
Section 4 – Quorum:
a) The total number of Members in attendance at a meeting of the General Membership shall be considered quorum.
b) A 2/3 majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 5 – Voting:
a) At both general meetings of the membership and meetings of the Board of Directors all issues to be voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of quorum, except in the case of alterations to these Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation where a 2/3 majority must pass a motion.
b) All voting of the board will occur at meetings held in person except where:
i) Unanimous Electronic Consent in Lieu of a Meeting: The Board may take action without a meeting if consent to the action is given by all of the Directors through email.
ii) Telephone Meeting: Any one or more Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board of Directors by means of a conference telephone or similar telecommunications device, which allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other. Participation by telephone shall be equivalent to presence in person at the meeting for purposes of determining if a quorum is present.
Section 6 – Governance: The rules of procedure for meetings of the Friends of ISB, as to matters not expressly governed by these Bylaws or the Articles of Incorporation, shall be those prescribed in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
Section 1 – Accounting Standard: The generally accepted standard expressed in documents and policies of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP), the IRS, and the Oregon Attorney General’s Office shall be followed.
Section 2 – Annual reports: Reports are required to be developed and submitted to the Board and Membership at the Annual Meeting showing income, expenditures, and pending income.
Section 3 – Records Inspection: The financial records of the CORPORATION are public information and shall be made available to the Membership, Board members, and the public upon reasonable notice, defined here as five 5) business days.
Section 4 – Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30.
Section 5 – Security of Deposits: All funds of the Friends of ISB are to be placed into insured deposit accounts in either a bank or savings and loan institution as directed by the Board. The Board may in the future decide to adopt a policy concerning the investment of Corporation funds. However, these investment policies should seek to maintain the security of funds invested.
Section 6 – Budget Development Amendment: The Board, in whole or through committee, shall develop and approve an annual budget each year. The budget will be approved in a timely manner so as to start the next fiscal year with an approved budget. The Board shall take input from the general membership to the budget process.
The FRISB Budget may be amended by the members at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose, provided that a written proposal for any such amendment is presented to the Board no later than 21 days prior to the next regular meeting. Written notice of this budget amendment must be given to the members at least ten (10) days prior to any meeting at which members will be asked to consider and vote on the amendment. Request for Budget increases made at any regular meeting, will follow this procedure as well, and be voted on at the next regularly or specially scheduled meeting.
Section 7 – Cash Handling:
a) The Board of the Friends of ISB shall maintain a policy concerning the handling and management of cash and gifts in accordance with Section 1 above.
b) Accounts Receivable: Receipt of all gifts, contributions and cash shall be recorded in an electronic recording system. A receipt will be sent to the donor at their request. Two people will be present to count and verify cash receipts.
c) Accounts Payable: Claims for reimbursement of expenses must use the reimbursement process, with the submission of a claim form with attached receipts and explanations of expenses. Any claim exceeding the budgeted amount must be presented at the next board meeting for approval prior to any funds being disbursed.
d) Compensation: No member of the Corporation shall receive compensation or inurnment for service to the organization except as identified by the approved budget.
e) Payments and Withdrawals: All checks drawn on any of FRISB’s accounts shall be signed by at least one Director with signatory authority. At least three, but no more than four, Directors will be authorized to sign on FRISB’s checking and savings accounts.
f) Spending Limits:
i) Members will not receive reimbursement beyond the budgeted expenses; unless approved in advance by the General Membership.
ii) Non-budgeted expenditures must be voted on by the General Membership as an amendment to the budget. Funds from the Board’s Discretionary Fund may be used to cover overages by a simple majority vote.
iii) No Board member requesting a reimbursement will be permitted to sign the check for that reimbursement or to sign as the “Approved” signer on the reimbursement request form.
Section 8 – Audit:
a) Monthly Audit: Each month the Treasurer shall present all transactions from the month to a committee made up of 2 Officers and one General Member for verification.
b) Annual Audit:
i) An Audit Committee designated by the Board shall examine the accounts of FRISB at the end of each fiscal year.
ii) The Audit Committee will be coordinated by the Treasurer and will include the current Treasurer, the incoming Treasurer, one additional Officer, and at least one General Member that is not a director and has accounting experience.
iii) Satisfied that the Treasurer’s report is correct, the Audit Committee shall sign a statement to that effect at the end of the report. The Treasurer will present the report at the first general meeting in September so that its completion may be recorded in the meeting minutes. The report will become part of the FRISB records.
Section 1 – Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Friends of ISB shall indemnify, to the extent of insurance coverage, any Director or officer or any former Director or officer, and may by resolution of the Board of Directors indemnify any employee, against any and all expenses and liabilities incurred by him or her in connection with any claim, action, suit, or proceeding to which he or she is made a party by reason of being a Director, officer, or employee, if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in the best interests of the Corporation and, in the case of a criminal proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe their conduct was unlawful.
Section 2 – Amounts paid in indemnification of expenses and liabilities may include, but shall not be limited to, counsel fees and other fees; costs and disbursements; and judgments, fines, and penalties against, and amounts paid in settlement by, such Director, officer, or employee. The Corporation may advance expenses or, where appropriate, may itself undertake the defense of any Director, officer, or employee. However, such Director, officer, or employee shall repay such expenses if it should be ultimately determined that he or she is not entitled to indemnification under the Article.
Section 3 – The Board of Directors shall also authorize the purchase of insurance on behalf of any Director, officer, employee, or other agent against any liability incurred by him that arises out of such person's status as a Director, officer, employee, or agent, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify the person against that liability under law.
These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the General Membership by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those members present and voting at such meeting, provided there has been at least a 21-day prior notice given of the proposed amendments to all members of the Friends of ISB. Notice will be made electronically either through the school website, by email, by notice in the prior month’s meeting and noted in the minutes on the school website, and/or listed in the school newsletter.
In the event that the Friends of ISB is dissolved, all of its assets shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions articulated in the Corporation’s Corporate Articles of Incorporation.
These Bylaws were amended and restated by the members of Friends of ISB Parent Teacher Organization on November 5, 2008.
Approved November 7, 2008
These Bylaws were amended and restated by the members of Friends of ISB Parent Teacher Organization on January 15, 2015.
Approved February 9, 2015
These Bylaws were amended and restated by the members of Friends of ISB Parent Teacher Organization on April 9, 2018.
To Be Approved May 14, 2018
FRISB Articles of Incorporation
Check Request & Exp. Reimbursement Procedures
This document sets forth the procedures for requesting expense reimbursements or for check advancements.
Prior to incurring expense for a budget line item, the committee chairperson of the event will present an overview of the event budget to the FRISB Board. The Board can provide guidance on how much is budgeted for each event or for each budgeted line item. The most recent approved budget can be found on FRISB’s webpage. Contact information for the current year Board members can also be found on FRISB’s webpage.
All service contracts must be pre-approved by the FRISB Board. The Board will need to see that the cost is comparable to other vendors. Contact the FRISB Board President to request to be on the FRISB agenda for the next meeting. FRISB has the responsibility to spend funds wisely and within the IRS guidelines for a 501(c)3.
Prior to paying expenses, the FRISB Treasurer will verify that the expenditure along with all cumulative expenses (for that fiscal year as of request date) does not exceed the budget for that line item. If the expenses exceed the budget and a revised budget is needed, the Treasurer will assist in bringing this issue to the FRISB Board (at the next scheduled Board Meeting) and to the General Members (at the next scheduled General Meeting) for consideration and approval. If the budget revision is approved, the expense will be paid, however, if not approved the Treasurer will communicate that decision to the requestor and will determine if another alternative is available.
FRISB Check Request Form
For IRS purposes, all expense reimbursement requests must be accompanied by a completed and signed FRISB Check Request Form and appropriate supporting documentation (i.e. copies of receipts showing the amounts paid or an invoice).
Advanced Payment
If an advanced check is needed on the day of an event to pay an entertainer or to pay for goods or services, the FRISB Check Request Form should be completed and signed with supporting documentation. In this case supporting documentation may be a copy of an email between the parties agreeing to the amount, a bid form, etc. Upon delivering the check, the requestor must obtain a receipt or the vendor’s signature on the FRISB Check Request Form. The Treasurer will coordinate with the requestor to obtain these documents. For any questions on supporting documentation specific to your advance check request, please email the FRISB Treasurer. The current Treasurer’s email address can be found on FRISB’s webpage at the link provided above.
Requests must be approved in writing:
- The person requesting the reimbursement must sign the FRISB Check Request Form.
- The expense must be approved by the appropriate FRISB Board Member or the school Administrator. For example:
- Expenses which relate to school socials should be approved by the Volunteer Coordinator.
- Expenses which are being requested by the school’s staff (such as reimbursements for intern lunches or staff appreciation) must be approved by the Principal or the Assistant Principal in his/her absence.
- When a physical signature cannot be obtained prior to submitting the FRISB Check Request Form, an email with the person’s approval must be forwarded to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will work with this approving individual to obtain his/her physical signature at a later date.
Other Considerations
- Please provide the address or location of where the check should be mailed or delivered.
- Please indicate if a check is needed by a specific date. If this is the case, you may also email the Treasurer to expedite the process and to ensure that you check is received by the request date.
- Completed FRISB Check Request Forms should be placed in the Treasurer’s inbox in the school’s production room or the form can be given to the school’s administrative personnel to place in the Treasurer’s inbox.
- Checks in excess of $200 require a second signature. The Treasurer will work with the secondary check signers to obtain their signature and to deliver your check in an expedited manner.
- The Treasurer will check the designated inbox periodically. However, if the reimbursement is needed immediately, the completed form with supporting documentation can be scanned and emailed to the Treasurer.
If there are any questions, please email the FRISB Treasurer.
FRISB Check Request Form
Community Service Suggestions
In addition to these opportunities to volunteer on your own, FRISB will be arranging three ISB community service group events this school year. Announcements will be made via the Newsletter and via social media. Stay tuned for opportunities to volunteer as an ISB community!
Oregon Humane Society (Parent transportation needed) 12+
Join a youth volunteer group to help socialize animals for adoption
Audubon Society (Parent transportation needed) 12+
Sign up as an Audubon volunteer to help rehabilitate wildlife recovery habitats
Oregon Humane Society (Parent transportation needed for delivery) all ages
Bake treats for shelter animals at home
Here's the link for recipes:
Bonnie L Hays shelter (Must be 16 or older)
CAT Adoption team (Parent supervision needed if under 16)
Oregon National Primate Research Center (Parent transportation needed) 14+
Sign up here for a tour and to find out how you can get involved
Friends of Trees (Parent transportation and participation needed) all ages welcome
It's tree planting season! Sign up here to attend a planting session
Print. sign. and bring a copy of the youth waiver form with you
Friends of the Columbia Gorge (Parent transportation and participation needed) all ages welcome
Check the link here for multiple opportunities to support the Columbia Gorge
Trail repair, Environmental activism, Land stewardship
Rebuilding Center
(Parent transportation and participation needed) age 14+
Join the Thursday evening de-nailing party and salvage building materials
so they don't end in the landfill
Oregon Foodbank (Parent participation needed)
Sign up here to attend a volunteer session
Blanchet House (Parent participation needed) age 12+ Help serve and sustain the homeless community
Meals on Wheels all ages
Meals on Wheels serves hot nutritious meals at dozen of dining centers in Multnomah, Washington and Clark counties and provides Meals on Wheels service to homebound seniors.
Decorate holiday placemats to be delivered to homebound seniors. If you are interested, please reach out to for placemats.
Mercy Corps Action Center (Parent supervision required)
Welcome to Mercy Corps, where our team of 5,000+ humanitarians take on the world's toughest challenges to help people build better, stronger lives.
We mobilize communities, collaborate with companies and activate across agencies to deliver breakthrough ideas that make a better world possible.
Stop by Mercy Corps Hll in Portland. DR to visit their current exhibits.
https:/ /