IB Middle Years Programme (Grades 6-10)
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and life- long learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Please contact Gina Velasco, IB MYP coordinator, with any questions you may have.
- School IB Policies
- The IB Learner Profile
- Middle Years Programme Course
- MYP Certificate Criteria
- Service as Action (Grades 6-10)
- Personal Project (Grade 10)
- Community Project (Grade 8)
- Important Due Dates in the MYP
- MYP Subject Briefs
School IB Policies
Assessment Policy
Assessment Policy
Recognizing that teaching, learning and assessment are interdependent, the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to inform teaching in order to improve student learning. ISB is aware that assessment will be used for a variety of purposes depending on the stakeholder, i.e. parents, students, teachers, the BSD School Board, universities, the State of Oregon, and the IBO.
Assessment Principles
School Board policy (IL) states: “ It is the intent of the Board that progress be measured in a manner that clearly enables the student and parents to know whether the student is making progress in relation to State academic content standards and Essential Skills, district learning targets and personal learning goals. “ To achieve this, teachers use a balanced range of formative and summative assessments along with state and national standardized testing to determine and communicate learners’ progress in acquiring knowledge and skills related to specific learning targets identified by the BSD and the IBO.
Formative assessments allow students and teachers to monitor student learning during a unit of study. Students use feedback from peers, teachers and themselves to support their attainment of learning targets. Teachers use data from formative assessments to modify and differentiate instruction to enhance the learning and progress of all students as well as to ascertain the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction.
Formative assessments might include: observations, mock exams, oral and written commentaries, inquiry based labs, peer evaluated group presentations, contributions to large and small group discussions, peer assessment, journal entries, reflections, homework, group work, and sketchbooks.
Summative assessments are designed to allow students to demonstrate achievement toward the course expectations. As criterion-based assessments, they are generally scored on an IB rubric. These assessments comprise an important role in determining the final letter grade a student earns at the end of the semester.
Summative assessments might include: portfolios, quizzes, exams and unit tests, research projects, oral exams, lab reports, developmental workbooks, essays, performances, and presentations.
Our students also participate in external summative assessments that are not reflected in their course grades. Students who participate in IB testing submit summative assessments that examiners around the world assess, and which ISB faculty does not assess. As described in our Language Policy, students currently served by the English Language Development program (as well as students who have waived ELD services within the past four years) are required to take the English Language Proficiency Assessment. As part of a balanced assessment system, students in grades 6 - 8 and 11 participate annually in the Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS). Also, the ACT family of assessments are offered annually to students in 10th and 11th grades. The PSAT 8/9 is offered annually to students in 8th grade and, when funding allows, to those in 9th grade.
Assessment Best Practices
School-wide Practices
- In all classes, a variety of assessment strategies are used to provide feedback on the learning process.
- Teachers ensure that all students experience both challenge and success.
- Teachers work to identify the most accurate demonstration of student knowledge and skill development rather than averaging all work over the course of a term.
- Clear and measurable learning outcomes are posted in classrooms and referred to throughout instruction.
- Accommodations or modifications are provided by general education teachers for students with special assessment needs, particularly those served through Individual Education Plans (IEPs), IDEA 504 Plans, and ELD programs.
- Homework is assigned to preview and reinforce knowledge and skills learned in class and is generally used as a formative assessment.
- Course grades are reported to students and their parents/guardians at regular intervals throughout the school year through quarterly progress reports and semester grade report cards. Electronic gradebooks are available to students and parents/guardians online.
Practices Specific to the MYP
- MYP Rubrics for each content area are published in the Student Planner, providing easy reference for students. Teachers design task specific rubrics based on these.
- Teachers who share a MYP course meet to standardize their assessment practices using MYP Rubrics.
- Report card grades reflect teachers’ professional judgments of student achievement based on the MYP assessment criteria as well as district and state learning targets and standards.
- MYP final grades are generated and communicated to students and families at the end of Year 5. Students can earn an MYP Certificate of Completion if they complete a Personal Project, complete Service and Action experiences, meet minimum grade requirements in all MYP courses.
Practices Specific to the DP
- Samples of marked work are provided so that students can internalize the assessment standards and understand what is expected of them.
- Teachers who share a DP course meet to standardize their assessment practices using IB mark bands, markschemes and subject reports.
- Teachers use DP assessment criteria to assess student achievement on individual assignments, projects, quizzes/tests, and other assessments and in order to provide feedback on academic growth to students.
- Summative assessments model, in both format and subject matter, the formal IB assessments.
- High stakes internal and external assessments are spread out over the course of the two-year program so as not to unduly burden DP students.
- Students will graduate as IB diploma candidates or IB course candidates if they successfully complete all IB-mandated requirements for their courses or programme.
- Students who want to appeal their IB-issued course marks may request an Enquiry Upon Results (EUR) at their own expense.
Reporting, Recording and Responsibilities
- Faculty are responsible for providing feedback and marks to students in a timely manner in order to ensure transparency and support academic growth..
- Letter grades, course predicted grades, and high school GPA information are provided when requested, consistent with the expectations of universities and post-secondary institutions.
- Course grades are reported to students and their parents/guardians at regular intervals throughout the school year through quarterly progress reports and semester grade report cards. Electronic gradebooks are available to students and parents/guardians online.
Professional Development
Through a combination of site-based, district-based, and IBO-sponsored activities, our faculty is provided multiple opportunities to engage in staff development opportunities focused on assessment.
All new teachers are provided training from school administrators and the relevant IB Coordinator for an overview of the curriculum, practices, and assessments before classroom instruction begins. Each year BSD supports several teachers to be trained in either the MYP or the DP. Our teachers are also encouraged and supported in attending regional workshops through the Northwest Association of IB World Schools (NIBA). The Program Resource Center (PRC) on MyIB is available to teachers and used regularly to access relevant teacher support materials. When required for in-depth review of marks awarded, an EUR is requested from IB. This feedback, along with annual subject reports, provides further insight into IB assessment standards.
Policy Revision
As part of the five year program review for both the Middle Years and Diploma Programs, the Assessment Policy will be reviewed by the Curriculum Leadership Team and Curricular Departments every two years. Appropriate amendments will be made and the updated document will be distributed to staff and posted on the school website.
Reviewed and Revised June 2023
Inclusion Policy
Special Educational Needs Policy
Our goal at ISB is to encourage students to learn through an international lens as thoughtful, compassionate world citizens. We actively embrace intellectual rigor, intercultural respect, service to our local and world communities, and the promise of a peaceful world. As an IB for All school it is inherent in our mission that we believe every child can learn and that every child should be provided with those creative, thinking and learning skills that will carry them to success as adults. This belief is consistent with IB’s policies and the Beaverton School District’s statement that “The District prohibits discrimination and harassment based on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, veteran status or because of a perceived or actual association with any other persons within these protected classes.”
Therefore, it is our vision, in the context of the inclusive and learner centered nature of both the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, that all students receive the necessary resources, guidance, accommodations, and differentiation needed to attain their highest level of personal success.We embrace inclusive practices, with responsibility for student learning shared between general education teachers and specialist support teachers.
TAG Identification
ISB meets the needs of students identified as Talented and Gifted (TAG) by providing instruction at their assessed levels and accelerated rate of learning. This is primarily done by the nature of the IB programmes offered. The highest levels of the assessment rubrics in each subject allow for students to expand their intellectual involvement beyond the standard expectations for each unit of study. In addition to this, each core in the areas of English, Science, Mathematics, and Humanities have subject-specific TAG plans which help determine a TAG student’s appropriate instructional program. The school-based TAG coordinator ensures students are receiving the support they need.
Special Education Identification
Students with permanent or temporary diagnosed needs may be supported in many ways, including general education and special education services. In some cases, students’ individual needs for instructional accommodations or modifications may be articulated in an Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan. Special education services are available at ISB to serve students who have been identified as eligible for these services. Students identified as eligible must meet the following two requirements:
- Federal and state eligibility requirements as having a disability in at least one of 13 condition categories that have an adverse impact on educational performance.
- Need specially designed instruction as a result of the disability.
Roles and Responsibilities
Of the School
- The school will provide guidance and information so that students can make informed decisions concerning his or her IB program.
- Special Education specialists and/or Counselors will notify coordinators and teachers of the names of all students served by an IEP or 504 plan. Teachers, counselors, and coordinators are able to access through Synergy the learning needs of students who have an IEP, a 504 plan, or a TAG plan in place.
- IEPs and 504 plans are updated annually, and revisions are communicated to all stakeholders. This includes when students exit the program for whatever reason they may have.
- Coordinators apply to IB in a timely manner for student accommodations for IB assessments.
- Schools facilitate the provision of appropriate accommodations such as but not limited to additional time, rest periods, separate testing space, assistive technology, reading aids (readers, prompters, Braille), and assessment/assignments in special color or type size, audio recordings, assignment modification, extensions, and assistance or exemptions as specified by the student’s IEP or 504 plan.
Of the Teacher
- The classroom teacher provides accommodations as required for student success and as outlined in the student’s IEP, 504 plan or TAG plan.
- The teacher maintains discretion and confidentiality in providing these services.
Of the Parent and Students
- Families make request(s) for appropriate intervention strategies from the school as they are needed and in a proactive manner.
- Families provide necessary documentation so that accommodation requests may be made to IBO for assessment purposes.
- Students will be proactive in seeking assistance from their teachers and the Coordinators to meet their learning and assessment needs.
Inclusion Policy Review:
As part of the five year program review for both the Middle Years and Diploma Programs, the Inclusion Policy will be reviewed by the Curriculum Leadership Team, Talented and Gifted Coordinator, and Special Education Faculty every two years. Appropriate amendments will be made and the updated document will be distributed to staff and posted on the school website.
Revised April 2023
Academic Integrity Policy
ISB Academic Integrity Policy
The Academic Integrity Policy is a guide for the entire ISB community to help students achieve success. At times, learning seems effortless, but sometimes learning new concepts and skills takes more effort. Principled IB learners maintain honesty and integrity in both circumstances.
Expectations of stakeholders
Students will . . .
- Recognize that the learning process is as important as grades
- Be honest and truthful
- Ask for help from teachers when confused
- Use technological tools responsibly and ethically
- Cite sources always, including anything AI generated
- Differentiate between your work and your source’s ideas, including anything AI generated
- Use time-management and self-management strategies to get their best work in on time
- Report incidents of academic misconduct by self and others
- Read, understand, and sign the Academic Integrity Contract annually
- Review assignment requirements and abide by the expectations set forth by the assignment (not using outside sources when it’s not allowed)
Teachers will . . .
- Communicate clear expectations for each assignment
- Teach proper subject-specific citation styles for a variety of sources such as print, images, digital, etc.
- Provide opportunities for students to practice in quoting, paraphrasing, and citing
- Teach and provide opportunities to practice subject-specific collaboration skills
- Teach and provide opportunities for students to practice evaluating subject-specific sources
- Teach how to use technological tools responsibly and ethically
- Design assessments that require critical thinking and the articulation of thinking
- Model academic integrity
- Refer ALL incidents of academic dishonesty to school administration
- Use a software program that is integrated into the student management system for plagiarism and AI detection (such as turnitin.com) where appropriate, to aid students in identifying areas of inadvertent plagiarism.
The school will …
- Provide an academic integrity policy
- Ensure the ISB community is aware of and understands the Academic Integrity Policy
- Ensure that within a subject, a consistent citation style is taught and practiced
- Provide fair and just consequences for academic dishonesty
- Ensure the Academic Integrity Policy is reviewed annually with stakeholders
- Regard all incidents of academic honesty as serious
Parent/Guardians will …
- Recognize that the learning process is as important as grades
- Encourage time-management and self-management strategies to manage short-term and long-term assignments,projects, and assessments
- Model academic integrity, including encouraging students to do their own work in an independent manner
- Read, understand, and sign the Academic Integrity Contract annually
ISB Consequences
If academic dishonesty is suspected, students might be asked to defend or verify their work as their own in the following ways:
- Present notes, drafts, or works cited.
- Present an oral defense of work in question.
If academic dishonesty is determined, one or more of the following penalties will result:
- The assessment might not be considered for inclusion in the student’s portfolio of work.
- The student might be asked to resubmit the assessment at the discretion of the teacher.
- Parent/guardians will be contacted and informed of the occurrence of plagiarism and the resulting penalty/intervention.
- A discipline incident will be filed in synergy indicating the occurrence of plagiarism and the resulting penalty.
- Review of Academic Integrity contract with an administrator and documentation in synergy.
Multiple referrals for academic dishonesty may result in a meeting between parent/guardians and teacher, counselor, and/or administrator
- Academic dishonesty may be noted in a college recommendation.
- If the student is a member of National Honor Society, the NHS advisor will be notified and will follow NHS procedure.
- A second occurrence of plagiarism within a course may result in a failing grade for the semester.
- Diploma program candidacy may be in jeopardy.
IB’s Response to Academic Malpractice
IB candidates’ work is subject to random checks for plagiarism by the IBO. In cases where IB examiners suspect malpractice, the following may occur:
- IB will ask the coordinator to investigate and report findings to the IB Assessment Centre
- Candidate results may be held until the investigation is complete
Penalties may include:
Important Links:
ISB Academic Integrity Contract-Middle School Student & Parent Form
ISB Academic Integrity Contract-High School Student & Parent Form
Works Cited
The following people reviewed the ISB Academic Integrity Policy:
Reviewed and Revised May 2024
Language Policy
Language Policy
Language is essential to learning, as it is the medium of inquiry and communication, as well as the means by which students can experience a variety of perspectives on the world. Throughout ISB’s curricular program we foster the development of literacy in the language of instruction, world (acquired) languages, and the mother tongue. At ISB and in the Beaverton School District, all teachers are teachers of language, with a responsibility to include literacy as an important component of their course of study.
Our school's mission includes facilitating student learning through an international lens as we strive for intellectual rigor and intercultural respect. Therefore, we strive to create a learning environment that demonstrates respect for the cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity of our students while preparing students for success in their future academic and career development. To this end, our school and faculty:
- Prepare all students to be fluent in English
- Support all students in developing proficiency in at least one language other than English
- Foster an environment where all languages and cultures are valued
- Work with families to plan their students language development
- Utilize instructional materials that include multicultural perspectives
- Provide access to materials in languages other than English
- Incorporate translated works in our Language and Literature program
- Partner with international organizations to secure additional resources for our Language Acquisition programs.
Students attending the International School of Beaverton speak over 40 different mother tongue languages. While the largest number of students and families speak English, there are also students who speak Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Japanese, and Vietnamese, among others. Because of the international context of our community,, our students range from mother tongue English students with limited or no exposure to the world languages offered at ISB to students who are fluent and academically proficient in several different languages.
Language of Instruction
English is the language of instruction at ISB. To support language development, our school provides a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum aligned with the Oregon Department of Education's Content Standards and Beaverton School District Learning Targets for Language Arts, Literacy, and World Language. The curriculum is also aligned with all strands of the IBO's MYP Language Scope and Sequence, which in turn is aligned with Language Acquisition requirements of the Diploma Program. The development of communication skills throughout MYP Years 1-5 is articulated in ISB's Approaches to Learning overview.
Language Assessment
Teachers regularly use formative and summative assessments to evaluate student acquisition of language skills. Students in Grades 6-10 are assessed using rubrics aligned with MYP and BSD subject-specific criteria and Oregon State scoring guides. Students and parents are informed of student progress frequently throughout the year.
Students in grades 6-11 participate annually in required State assessments. Also, the ACT family of assessments (Explore/Aspire/ACT) is offered free annually to students in Grades 8-11. Students currently served by the ELD program and those who have exited ELD within the past two years are required to annually take the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA).
Language Acquisition
After exposure to two world languages in survey courses in 6th grade, all ISB students select one world language to study for MYP Years 2-5 and on through the DP. The three world languages offered at ISB are Spanish, Japanese, and Mandarin. Students may enroll in SL ab initio courses in Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish when entering the Diploma Program.
Mother tongue languages of all students are identified at the time of registration in our school district. All students whose primary language is not English are evaluated for English proficiency. Students in need of additional services receive the appropriate level of English instruction through the English as a Second Language department (see below). To exit EL services, the district uses ELPA Summative results to determine when an EL is proficient and is exited and monitored for four years. Students who have begun to develop fluency through educational experiences will be assessed by Language Acquisition teachers and placed in a course appropriate for their proficiency level.
Access to the MYP/DP for Language Learners
At ISB, English Learners (ELs) receive on average at least 30 minutes of English Language Development (ELD) instruction daily to meet State and District requirements. ELs are enrolled in an ELD course in place of a Language Acquisition course. Diploma Programme candidates, who have the academic ability, are encouraged to enroll in SL School Supported Self Taught Literature. This can be done in place of a Language Acquisition course or as a Group 6 course.
Mother Tongue Support
ISB recognizes the importance of developing and maintaining mother tongue languages. Our school library collection has been developed to support our diverse population and includes non-fiction and fiction materials in Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish, which students may access for independent reading assignments. Many textbooks are also available in Spanish. To support our families who may not be comfortable with English, several of our front office staff members are bilingual in Spanish and Japanese. Additionally, ISB has access to a wide variety of languages for translation and interpretation purposes through the Beaverton School District Multilingual Department.
Although we have a rich diversity of languages spoken in our students' homes, most of these individual languages have too low of an incidence to warrant the development of courses designed specifically for native speakers. Students entering the Diploma Program who have the academic ability are encouraged to enroll in the School Supported Self Taught Literature course in their mother tongue. This can be done in place of a Language Acquisition or as a Group 6 course. ISB students have earned Bilingual IB Diplomas in many languages.
Professional Development
Building level professional development in the form of trainings, workshops, and presentations permeate faculty work time. Our school’s focus on the Approaches to Learning and Teaching is the foundation of our work with language.
Language Policy Review Process:
As part of the five year program review for both the Middle Years and Diploma Programs, the Language Policy will be reviewed by the Curriculum Leadership Team and interested faculty every two and a half years. Appropriate amendments will be made and the updated document will be distributed to staff and posted on the school website.
Revised June 2023
The IB Learner Profile
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.
As an IB Student at the International School of Beaverton, you are expected to strive to demonstrate the following characteristics:
Develop your natural curiosity. Acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. You should actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout your life.
Explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, you will acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
Exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
Seek to understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. Work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
Act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. Take responsibility for your own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
Seek to understand and appreciate your own culture and personal history, and be open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. Become accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and be willing to grow from the experience.
Show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. Demonstrate a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
Approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. Be brave and articulate in defending your beliefs.
Seek to understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for yourself and others.
Give thoughtful consideration to your own learning and experience. Assess and understand your strengths and limitations in order to support your learning and personal development.
Middle Years Programme Course
- Language and Literature
- Language Acquisition
- Individuals & Societies
- Science
- Mathematics
- Arts
- Physical & Health Education
- Design
Language and Literature
The Aims and Objectives of MYP Language and Literature are intended to sharpen students’ language and literature skills on a progressive basis each year. The various language skills—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting—are all addressed by these objectives. In addition, students learn to apply the skills of Approaches to Learning, preparing them to demonstrate the qualities expressed in the IB Learner Profile.
The aims of MYP Language and Literature each year are to encourage and enable students to:
- use language as a vehicle for thought, creativity, reflection, learning, self-expression, and social interaction
- develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting in a variety of contexts
- develop critical, creative, and personal approaches to studying and analyzing literary and non-literary works
- engage in literature from a variety of cultures and representing different historical periods
- explore and analyze aspects of personal, host, and other cultures through literary and non-literary works
- engage with information and communication technology in order to explore language
- develop a lifelong interest in reading widely
- apply Language and Literature skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts.
Language Acquisition
ISB offers World Language classes in Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. 6th graders will explore two of the three languages offered at ISB. 7th grade students will take the high school level world language classes in order to prepare for the MYP assessments in 10th grade and the IB assessment in 12th grade. Students will study the same language grades 7 through 10.
ISB does not offer native language literacy classes. Therefore, students are expected to focus on acquisition of a new language.
High school level courses require rigorous study, and in order for students to be successful language learners throughout their language study, it is essential that they master the skills introduced in each course before continuing on to the next level. Students should receive an MYP criteria average of level 4 in order to successfully progress on to the next level. Students receiving level 3 or below in middle school may be recommended to repeat a level.
Individuals & Societies
The aim of Individuals and Societies is to encourage students to gain and develop knowledge, conceptual understanding, research skills, analytical and interpretive skills, and communication skills, contributing to the development of the student as a whole. Individuals and Societies aims to encourage students to respect and understand the world around them, and to provide a skills base to facilitate further study. This is achieved through the study of individuals, societies, and environments in a wide context: historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological, and cultural.
Middle Year Program Science aspires to develop scientifically informed, caring and responsible individuals who can think critically and make informed choices about themselves, the environment and society. Students in grades 6-8 will participate in our science fair where they will present findings of an independent science project. Sixth grade students' projects will focus upon engineering design.
All math courses incorporate the MYP Areas of Interaction and MYP aims and objectives. The courses help students develop mathematical knowledge and understanding, as well as reasoning and generalization, communication and justification, and applying mathematics in a real-world context. The emphasis in all courses will be on student inquiry of mathematical ideas: investigating, questioning, discussing, justifying, proving, and reflecting.
All math courses expect students to exhibit the following mathematical habits: displaying curiosity, displaying perseverance, justifying ideas and solutions, engaging in mathematical discussions, accessing previously learned ideas, appreciating the applicability of math, utilizing a variety of problem solving strategies, reflecting about methods and processes, clearly explaining solutions and ideas, and reasoning using appropriate math vocabulary and symbols.
** A graphing calculator is strongly recommended for all classes after Math 6/7 **
6th grade placement decisions based on SBAC, BSD 6th Grade Acceleration Test, and Algebra I Entrance Exam.
7th-12th grade placement decisions based on student performance as measured by MYP Criterion summary scores.
MYP arts helps to prepare students for overall success in the DP through the use of concepts and contexts, through developing creativity, subject-specific skills and ATL skills. The knowledge, skills and attitudes that students develop in arts courses provide a meaningful foundation for further study and help to prepare students for careers in any people-oriented field of employment.
The aims of MYP arts are to encourage and enable students to:
- create and present art
- develop skills specific to the discipline
- engage in a process of creative exploration and (self-)discovery
- make purposeful connections between investigation and practice
- understand the relationship between art and its contexts
- respond to and reflect on art
- deepen their understanding of the world.
Physical & Health Education
Physical & Health Education for 6th, 7th, 8th grade
Students will discuss the value of physical activity for a higher quality of life and life-long fitness. Health classes are integrated into the Physical Education curriculum. A variety of teaching techniques and assessments will be used to teach the health topics of alcohol & drug prevention, control of disease, healthy eating, mental, social, emotional, environmental and sexual health, unintentional injury, and violence prevention.
The MYP Physical and Health curriculum is designed to follow vertical articulation from 6-10th grade with age-appropriate content and each level building on previous years' instruction. These units will be assessed according to these district and state standards: Concepts, Accessing Information, Advocacy, Decision Making, Interpersonal Communication, Goal Setting, Analyzing Influences, & Self-Management. Required for all 6, 7, & 8th grade students.
Fitness 9/Health 9 and Fitness 10/Health 10
1.0 credit for HS Students
These two courses will cover skills, rules, strategies, and training techniques for a variety of individual and team oriented activities, both competitive and recreational in nature. Students will learn to make responsible life-long fitness choices through practical applications of fitness and wellness concepts. Students will set goals and implement their own personalized fitness programs utilizing fitness and skill related components. Injury prevention and sportsmanship will be stressed. Community resources and related careers will be introduced. Fitness assessments will be administered throughout the course.
Students will take the Health and Physical Education portion of the MYP assessment in their 10th grade year. These assessments include use of knowledge, movement composition, performance, social skills, and personal engagement. Students will have the opportunity to explore health-related issues such as personality and self-esteem, mental disorders, consumer health, drug use and abuse, human sexuality, heart disease, stress, cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases. The focus in this class is on identifying unhealthy behaviors, developing strategies for improving communication, and problem solving skills. Students will take the Health and Physical Education portion of the MYP assessment in their 10th grade year.
The design cycle model represents the MYP design methodology of how designers develop products. The process is divided into four stages: inquiring and analysing; developing ideas; creating the solution; evaluating. This incremental process allows the designer to go from identifying a design opportunity to the testing and evaluation of a solution. This process leads to the creation of solutions that solve a problem. *
As part of the design cycle, students will focus on developing proficiency in the Beaverton School District technology targets. In addition, students will develop skills around the respect of digital property.
* Excerpted from the International Baccalaureate Organization Design Guide, 2014 edition.
MYP Certificate Criteria
- Participation in the MYP for both the 9th and 10th grade years OR participation in the MYP for 6th - 8th grade, plus 10th grade.
- On the MYP grading scale, students earn a grade of at least a 3 for the MYP course. Summary judgments for the MYP certificate will be taken from the 12- week progress report of the second semester and will be used to determine the MYP grade for the course. The MYP grading scale is a 1-7 scale.
- Earn at least an MYP grade (on the 1-7 MYP grade scale) of 3 on the personal project.
- Meet the requirements for service as action – 20 hours minimum - entered into CIS. Reflections from the high school years need to be completed.
Service as Action (Grades 6-10)
Service as Action Requirements, Grades 6-10
"Service to our local and world communities" is part of the ISB mission statement. Our goal is that students first think about the needs around them and then brainstorm how they can play an active role in serving these needs.
As of the 2021-22 school year, no set hours are required for each grade level. Instead, students are asked to do reflections periodically throughout the year during Advisory. In 8th grade, students participate in a Community Project. In 10th grade, students turn in a service resume that lists the service work they have done in 9th and 10th grade. Completing this is a requirement of the Middle Years Programme Certificate. 8th and 10th grade students are guided through this process in Advisory.
For Service As Action project ideas, visit:
Hands on Greater Portland
Volunteer Match
Volunteer Spot
Other helpful links - volunteer Opportunities
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
Beaverton City Library
Oregon Food Bank
Willamette West Habitat for Humanity
Service As Action
- Sign up to volunteer at your local library
- Go to your local elementary school and ask about upcoming events (eg. science fair, math night, carnival)
- Help out your former elementary school teachers with grading tests, making copies, filing work
- Sign up to be a volunteer at THPRD
- Ask around your neighborhood and see if anyone needs help
- Pick up the trash in your neighborhood park
- Read to younger kids at your local school, day care, church etc.
- Pull weeds and ivy (check out www.solv.org)
- Help out at a retirement center, spend some time with the elderly
- Teach someone to use technology applications
- Design and maintain a webpage for a non-profit organization
- Babysit for a family that needs some help (at NO cost or it doesn't count)
- Sign up to work a shift at the Oregon Food Bank or Sunshine Pantry
- Attend a community event and help set up
- Organize a drive for local schools or family shelters
Personal Project (Grade 10)
Community Project (Grade 8)
Important Due Dates in the MYP
Personal Project Supervisor Meeting 1 Completed by
2nd Friday in October
Personal Project Supervisor Meeting 2 Completed by
2nd Friday in November
Personal Project Supervisor Meeting 3 Completed by
1st Friday in December
Personal Project Final Project Due
Last Tuesday of Semester 1
Service Hours Completed, Entered, with Reflections
Last Friday in April