At the International School of Beaverton, we believe that daily class attendance is imperative for your student's success. Families are encouraged to schedule appointments after the school day ends. In the event that your student becomes ill or injured, please call our 24 Hour Attendance Line at (503) 356-3690 (press 1, then press 1 and leave voicemail), or email us within 24 hours.
339.010 School attendance required; age limits. Except as provided in ORS 339.030, all children between the ages of 7 and 18 years who have not completed the 12th grade are required to attend regularly a public full-time school of the school district in which the child resides. [Amended by 1965 c.100 §274]
When notifying the school regarding a student absence, a parent or legal guardian must call the Attendance Office or provide a note upon the student's return. Messages or notes must detail the nature of the absence or run the risk of the absence being designated as unexcused. Parents or legal guardians have no more than one school day (carry over the weekend/non-student days when applicable) to excuse an absence. All absences will be designated as unexcused, regardless of reason after one school day. Only individuals on the contact list are authorized to excuse a student. Students will not be excused if they call in for themselves.
Student Check-in/out
ISB is a closed campus: once a student is on campus, the student must remain on campus. If it is necessary for the student to leave school for any reason after their initial arrival, a parent/guardian must send a note with the student indicating at what time they will be picked up and the reason for the absence. The student must give the note to the Attendance Secretary when they arrive to school to get a purple pass to show to their teacher. At the indicated time, the teacher will send them to the main office to meet the parent/guardian. Allow at least five minutes for your student to show up. Before leaving campus the parent/guardian must sign the student out of the building in the Attendance Office. Subsequently, students must document the time of their return to school at the Attendance Office. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence for all classes missed.
The expectation of International School of Beaverton is that all students are in their classrooms, ready to learn when the bell rings for each period. If a student arrives to a classroom after the bell, they are considered tardy. If a student wishes to excuse a tardy, verification of the tardy as excused or unexcused will be provided in the form of a late pass issued by the main office. Because the Beaverton School District provides reliable and daily transportation, attendance issues related to personal transportation (parent or student) are not considered excused other than for severe emergencies. The consequence for three unexcused tardies for a specific class period is one day of lunch detention, to be served the full time of lunch period. Unexcused tardies may result in work being missed that cannot be made up. It is the student's responsibility to communicate to their parent or legal guardian when detention is assigned. Teachers may fill out a referral for tardies and administration will assign detentions accordingly. If a student fails to serve his or her detention, the student will be referred back to the teacher and communication from the teacher to the student's home will be made to advise of time not served. If the student fails to serve detention the day after contact with the parent or legal guardian, the student will be referred to an administrator for further consequences and/or possible suspension.
Pre-arranged Absences - Pre-arranged Absence Form
If absences are known in advance, they may be prearranged as excused with a Prearranged Absence Form if they meet the following criteria: Prolonged student medical issue, serious illness of a member of the student's family, family emergency or bereavement, legal/court obligations, religious observation, school sponsored, curricular or academic-related activity. We strongly encourage a parent or legal guardian contact their student's counselor relating to the aforementioned absences.
Excused Absences
Absences may be excused if the absence is caused by student illness, illness of a member of the student's family or family emergency. Emergencies will be classified as infrequent situations of major importance that affect family and home. Absences may also be considered excused for medical and dental appointments, legal/court obligations, bereavement, religious observations and school sponsored activities. Absences which do not meet these criteria will NOT be excused, even if the absence is reported by a parent or guardian.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are those that do not meet the criteria for excused absences or if timely documentation/notice is not provided to the school by a parent/guardian. The consequences for an unexcused absence in a specific class period are at the teacher's discretion, and may include Detention and/or Administrative interjection. If a student continues to accumulate unexcused absences, mandatory communication with the student and their parents will be required (conference, phone, email, letter format). The full range of consequences as cited in Consistent Discipline and Oregon Law will be considered, including a suspension and/or citation to Washington County Truancy Court.
Make-up Work
Make-up work for excused absences should be completed during the timeframe agreed upon by the teacher and student. To request missed work for long periods, please email or contact teachers. Teacher access time (after school every Tuesday, 3:15 - 4:15 pm) should be utilized to make up work and seek extra support as needed.