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Beaverton Schools

Welcome from the ISB Principal

Welcome to the International School of Beaverton! 

Students at ISB learn through an international lens as thoughtful, compassionate world citizens. We actively embrace intellectual rigor, intercultural respect, service to our local and world communities, and the promise of a peaceful world

Our mission, stated above, informs all that we do. We aim to create transformative experiences for our students, who in turn will transform the world. ISB students graduate with the skills to realize their dreams, and have been given the opportunity to dream big through their time here.    

It would be difficult for students to attend ISB and not develop an international lens. Just by interacting with the others here, ISB students are exposed to a myriad of races, ethnicities, religions and human stories. There are nearly 50 languages spoken among the homes of our families. Additionally, the International Baccalaureate curriculum ensures that students are learning and grappling with literature from around the globe, history that is not solely centered  on the Western experience, and ideas that ensure students appreciate the world through a diversity of lenses. 

The IB curriculum, with both the Middle Years Program and the Diploma Program, is an international curriculum that requires a significant level of intellectual rigor. Recognized around the world, it is a curriculum that emphasizes depth over breadth with connections between disciplines and unifying concepts throughout. Students must also take a world language each year they attend ISB, and many of our students graduate with a State of Oregon Biliteracy Seal. 

Below is a video produced by one of our Grade 10 students as part of his personal project (an IB requirement). Through narration, images, and the words of our staff, the video describes what an amazing place ISB is. Both the making of the video itself as well as the content in it give a clear sense of the high expectations to which we hold all students, as well as the community of learners and global citizens that ISB engenders. 

Thank you for visiting our website. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.   


Andrew Gilford, Principal