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Beaverton Schools

School Improvement Plan

Strategic Plan Goal Area 1:  Safe and Thriving

Strategic Plan Outcome: All identities are valued, and all students are included (Equity, Inclusion, Student Voice).
Strategic Plan Measure: % of secondary students reporting people at their school understand them as a person.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): In 2022-23, 72% of secondary students reported feeling that people at their school understood them as a person. For the 23-24 school year, we will raise this level to 80%.

As the BSD strategic plan continues to be developed, there are currently no designated leading indicators for this measure. However, at ISB there are several possible indicators we can use associated with this measure.

Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:
  • Number/% of kids who are participating in an affinity group (GSA, BSU, LSU, AAPI, MSA, SASG - last year compared to this year)
  • Number/% of kids who are participating in an after school club (last year compared to this year)
  • Attrition rate (or retention rate) - % of students who return from 10th to 11th grade
    • From sophomore year to junior year, we will decrease our attrition rate from 20% to 10%.
    • From 22-23 to 23-24 we declined from 120 to 96.
    • From 23-24 to 24-25 we will decline from 117 to no less than 105.

Strategic Plan Strategy: Ensure culturally and linguistically responsive teaching practices that build off of students’ personal experiences and interests, engaging them through interactive and collaborative practices.

Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: Progress on Standards: Achievement for All

Strategic Plan Outcome: All students demonstrate progress toward and achievement of the standards.
Strategic Plan Measure: The percent of students who report agency in their learning (closest fit from available plan measures).
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): In Semester 2 of school year 22-23, 10% of the grades earned were “C’s”. For the 23-24 school year, that percentage will drop to 7% in both Semester 1 and Semester 2.
As the BSD strategic plan continues to be developed, there are currently no designated leading indicators for this measure. However, at ISB there are several possible indicators we can use associated with this measure.
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:
  • We will focus on grade data shared quarterly from the district with a focus on semester grades as these are credited.

Strategic Plan Strategy: Articulated and scaffolded high leverage teaching strategies taught and consistently used in all content and courses at all grade levels.